Sunday, October 31, 2010


Call of Blood
Transcribed from the original by L. Abraham Armitage, PhD

(Plate 2, Object 42: site B)

Blood is the name.
Blood, blood, blood 1.
Blood is the source
Blood is the life-water
Blood is the soul
Blood is the soul
I cry out to the unnameable king
I cry out to the lord of the abyss
I cry out to the master of demons
I cry out and am heard
I am heard.
Blood spills across our country
Blood fills our country
Blood fills out mouths
We drown in blood
We drown in blood
We become blood
We become blood

1. The chant uses a series of characters which seem to indicate that T’klan, the word for blood (specifically the freshly spilled blood of the living) was chanted beneath the litany by a crowd supporting the priest in charge of the ritual.

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