Sunday, September 26, 2010


Call of Power
Transcribed from the original by L. Abraham Armitage, PhD

(Plate 6, Object 66: site A)

I place the sigil of the sun to the east
I place the sigil of the moon to the west
I place the sigil of distant Rt’Ffick to the north1
I place the sigil of the unnameable king to the south2
I place the sigil of my heart at the center and call to the mother 3

I feel the darkness within me.
I feel the darkness rise to fill me.
I feel the darkness become me.

I am the darkness.
I am the one before which all foes are felled.
I am the darkness.
I am the one before which all obstacles are dust.
I am the darkness.
I am the hand of the unnameable king
And all the world
Bends supple before me.
Bends to suit my will.

1. Doctor R. Morgan believes that this word (transliterated from the glyphs associated with darkness, distance, the underworld and the frozen wastes of outer layers of being) indicates the natives had knowledge of Pluto or an as yet undiscovered tenth planet which makes a circuit around the sun so wide that it only comes into view once every few thousand years. Rt’Ffick is also associated with elements of the abyss, and referred to as the home of demons.

2. Unfortunately, despite our efforts to obtain a rubbing of this sigil, it appears to have been lost. Doctor R. Morgan and I speculate that the natives themselves removed it from all the monoliths at sites A, B and C due to some cultural superstition.

3. Mneg’ia, Mother of the Abyssal Depths

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